Thursday, April 27, 2006


So, I am finally succumbing to the new era and attempting to write a live journal. I am not sure what exactly is motivating me to do so, only that I have seen the entries of a number of my close friends and decided that it might not be too shabby of an idea to be able to keep people in touch even when I am not actively talking to them all of the time. I am not yet sure that I even will tell anyone about this page, at least until I have a few entries under my belt and have convinced myself somewhat that there won't just be 2 entries and then silence for years and years until they finally get wise to me and cancel my account. The thing that has always stopped me from trying to create something like this before is partially in the name of this site itself: Live "Journal". I know myself far too well to expect that this will ever be a 'real' journal of sorts for me. I am way to private of a person to just casually toss out all of my opinions and bare my inner soul on a site where just anyone can click in. So, while I'll try to keep this place interesting to visit on occasion, if you know me at all, you know not to expect a daily update on all of the drama of my life and gossip about whomever is doing such and such to whomever else. Not that my daily drama would even make for a few lines of daily text that wouldn't put you all to sleep anyway! But hopefully, I can still manage to spin the occasional yarn which might keep you coming back for more, or at least throw out a few interesting thoughts here and there. I'd love to have a place where I could dialog with some of my friends some more - I miss the long and often convoluted philosophical discussions which I once had on a regular basis with my old friends. Anywho. Here is hoping that this could make the start of something worth continuing, and something worth your time to visit on occasion! D

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