Friday, October 24, 2008

A little about my actual life...

So... Since it has been forever since I've posted, I guess a bit of update is in order.

I have about 5 months left in my program. It will be "crunch time" very soon. But on the plus side, I am ready to move on and up. I will be working with Dr. Pam Silver in Boston ( come April/May. I am excited about the move and looking forward to Boston.

Also in new news, I have been told that I have sleep apnea and have probably had it for quite some time. While hardly some awful disease, it can cause some major disruptions in sleep patterns and lead to a host of downstream, very much more serious conditions. So, I am now on a CPAP machine while I sleep, which is basically this mask that goes on your face and provides positive air pressure to keep your windpipe open while you are sleeping.

Its not so bad really... It looks like it would be more uncomfortable than it really is... See, here is a picture of me reading in bed with my new CPAP machine and mask on:

Actually, though it does make me feel like an old man to be wearing something like this, the effects have been IMMEDIATE! I just got the thing this Monday. Already, in the 3 different seminars that I have sat through, I have not had any trouble staying awake. I've read papers and books, all without even getting drowsy. Which, for the last 4 years or so, is basically unheard of. It is a god-send and I am so excited about it. I may even go attempt to read a book in the tub again! (Those who have known me for a while, will know that pretty much all of my older books suffer from major water damage).

But generally, I am so happy with it, and hope that it continues. I have missed casual reading in a major way for the last few years!

Anyone read any good books lately?

A little spillover from my political angst

So.... Those of you who have been keeping tabs with me these days will probably know that I have been a little bit overly obsessed with all of the recent political coverage. I decided that rather than sound off on my friends, I would rant here, where folks can choose to ignore me if they so please... I've been meaning to get back into blogging a little bit too - hopefully I will also find a way to update this horrible color scheme.

So I was roaming around checking the headlines and stumbled across a political op ed article on CNN. See the full article here, if ya want...

This article stunk so much that I just could not resist poking a bit of fun at it. I will be the first to admit that in the last few weeks, I have done my fair share of Palin bashing. Does this speak to my inherent subliminal sexism? Perhaps, but I don't think so, given that I was a pretty firm Clinton supporter before she lost the bid to Obama.

I started out by writing a counter response, but then just decided to scrap it and just go straight for the jugular. A cut and paste job. The original article is in italics, my comments interspersed.

By Ruben Navarrette Jr.
SAN DIEGO, California (CNN) -- I thought liberals were supposed to be good-hearted, open-minded and non-judgmental.

Tell that to the angry Left's favorite piƱata, Sarah Palin. As far as liberals are concerned, Palin can do no right just as Barack Obama and Joe Biden can do no wrong. In fact, Biden is catching more passes than an NFL wide receiver.

As Palin herself pointed out in a recent CNN interview, imagine if she had been the one to imply that electing Obama would invite calamity. Biden does it, and the media shrug.

Actually... The reason that Biden is getting a "pass" on this one is that, even when trying your absolute hardest to rip Biden's comments out of context, you can still, at best, say that he is "implying" something. Go on to listen to/read the rest of the speech and what you'll actually find is that the real "implication" is that our foreign policy is at a rough spot right now and trouble could come from a number of places throughout the world. The reason us rabid liberals love to make fun of Palin so much is that she can manage to make herself seem idiotic and out of touch in half a sentence, no nuance or inferences needed. Furthermore, when placed in the full context of the paragraph of garbled "speech", these memorable quotes only become more precious.

I also thought the Democratic Party was supposed to go to bat for the little guy, the everyday Joe the Plumber.

I just do not get this whole "everyday Joe the Plumber". Tagging a common name to an uncommon person does not a populist argument make. "Sam the Janitor. Jane the Receptionist."

How about George the President? Or Sally-Sue the Albanian Arms Dealer?

I know everyday Kens who are middle class, then I know of Kens who swindle billions of dollars from corporate giants. I know everyday gay Craigs earning a normal wage, then I know closeted, sexually-repressed, self-hating senator Craigs, pulling down hundreds of thousands a year.

The truth is in the details, dearie.

Tell that to Joe Wurzelbacher, the Ohio resident who got his 15 minutes -- and 40 lashes -- because he dared question Obama about his tax plan. Obama insists that the plan would raise taxes only on those Americans earning more than $250,000 per year. It was then Obama made his clumsy "spread the wealth" comment.

Uhm... Sure its trite, but no really, how many plumbers do you know who make 250k each year? American median household income in 2007: $48,200.

My favorite populist BS moment was the whole "Sue the Teacher" moment from the McCain campaign.

Sue the 250k Teacher?!?!

I need say no more....

What was Joe thinking: that we live in a democracy where everyday Americans who pay the salaries of elected officials can dare question their policies? That just isn't done.

To prove it, the elites who run the Democratic Party -- along with their surrogates in the media and organized labor -- went after the plumber.

This argument is so tiresome. I'm real sure that Barrack Obama taped this interview, against the will of "Joe the Plumber", fed it to the Republicans and then forced John McCain to mention it at least a dozen times during the debates. McCain and his supporters are the ones making this an issue.

If Obama had discussed the unicorns and leprechauns that populate his backyard, but mentioned them so many times during the debate so as to make it sound like fact, would Fox News just throw its hands up in defeat, never to question it?

We now know that Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher owes back taxes, doesn't have a plumbing license (he told the Associated Press he doesn't need one because he works for someone else's company), and may not be registered to vote.

Sheeit! And ma jest tole me there ain't no Santa Clas neither!

Commenting on a story, one condescending reader wrote that Joe the Plumber should pipe down and "get back in my bathroom and unclog the toilet."

Oh my... How awful and mean... Good thing online public message boards and chat rooms are usually known for their well-informed commentary and sweet sentimentality:

"McCain is a Hero. Obama was/still is a Terrorist." cubelynn of Florida

"Obama's plan will save thousands of dollars for every nursing home and hospitals. Under this exclusive coverage, any senior citizen who reaches the minimum age of 70 years old will be required to be detained and taken to one of the Soylent Green Program Plants to be processed into little green crackers that are edible, packaged and sent back to area hospitals and nursing homes, where they will be given to existing senior citizens to eat." spankythemonkey

"fuck you techies r such fag char" 69Satan666 to me. -

Even Biden and Obama got in a few licks. Biden quipped to Jay Leno that Democrats wanted to take care of "Joe-the-real-plumber-with-a-license," and Obama sarcastically asked supporters, "how many plumbers do you know making $250,000 a year?" The implication being that Joe the Plumber isn't who he pretends to be.

I refer you to your own statement. You know, the one two sentences back. ("We now know that Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher owes back taxes, doesn't have a plumbing license (he told the Associated Press he doesn't need one because he works for someone else's company), and may not be registered to vote.")

Oh yeah. Also, he doesn't make 250k, nor will he if he buys the small business he was mentioning. So yeah, I guess Obama was probably "implying" something like that.

What worries me is that the Democrats aren't what they pretend to be.

Obama supporters like to talk about how the Democratic presidential nominee has lived the American Dream. So why is it to so hard for them to conceive of a situation where someone dreams of earning more money a few years from now than they earn today. Has Barack Obama consumed all the social mobility this country has to offer, so there isn't any left for the rest of us?

This argument is so bankrupt I don't even know where to begin.

Now, the Obama-Biden boosters have refocused their attention on their earlier irritant, Sarah Palin.

The latest media template is that the vice presidential nominee is a drag on the GOP ticket. Pundits detect a backlash, not just among Democrats who love to hate Sarah Palin but also among women, independents and seniors. They cite polls showing Palin with an unfavorable rating of 50 percent.

So what? We're in the post-Clinton, post-Bush era of polarization where any politician with a pulse -- Sorry, Joe Biden -- will be loved by half the country and hated by the other half.

Wait... Was that a dig at Biden's age? Lets take a poll: Raise your hand if you think Navarrette was "implying" that Biden is too old to potentially be president. Oh... Sorry McCain, I didn't see you standing there.

It's surreal. Before McCain put Palin on the ticket, he was getting 200 people at campaign rallies, and now, when he appears when Palin, he gets 20,000. Yes, definitely a drag.

McCain oversold it when he said Palin was the most qualified vice presidential candidate in recent history.

You think?

Better than Dick Cheney?

Please dear Baby Jebus...

Could she be worse?

... for the love of all that is holy....

Obama might have paid Biden the same compliment if his running mate hadn't already told supporters that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice.

Yeah.... Too bad that Obama didn't let the DNCC make his decision for him. I gotta say, McCain really showed how "maverick-y" he could be in picking Palin. Nothing says 'independence of thought' like picking a VP whom you've never met, but whom just happens to be a veritable second-coming for the ultra-religious Right. Especially when its a demographic you've decried as toxic to the Republican party throughout your career.

Then there is the faux-scandal that the Republican National Committee shelled out $150,000 in the past several weeks on Palin and her family for campaign wardrobe, accessories, makeup, etc.

Many Americans don't see why it's a story. Fellow hockey mom Page Growney of New Canaan, Conn., asked The Associated Press, "What did you want to see her in, a turtleneck from L.L. Bean?"

Who the hell is Page Growney? But no, taken at face value, not much of a story. But when you are running on a platform of fierce "maverick" reform and "substance over style", it becomes a bit more significant. Let the woman be herself for goodness sake. The woman is a self-proclaimed "bulldog with lipstick", a "Barracuda". Don't primp her up like your life-size porcelain doll. We're already apparently holding her hand when it comes to talking aloud* (see below), do we really need to teach her how to dress herself too? I mean, this is the second-in-command for the most powerful position in the world, we can expect some basic life skills beyond that of potty training, right?

Sexism cuts both ways. It is as stupid and backward to shield Palin like she is too fragile or too incompetent to handle herself as it is to judge her on her looks and housekeeping skills. My political dream woman is to be both seen AND heard.

Still, we're told, this tempest in a Gucci bag has some Republicans worrying that shopping sprees at Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue might undermine Palin's everywoman image. To think, just last month, the criticism was that Sarah the Moose Hunter wasn't sufficiently sophisticated or glamorous. Now her wardrobe signals the hockey mom is high-maintenance.

Just how many more caricatures -- some of them contradictory -- can we expect the left to throw at Sarah Palin before time runs out on this election?

Not many, it is to be hoped. Time, thankfully, has grown very short.


*As of Sept 26, here are a few stats. These figures are old, but Palin has still not held any news conferences and has only appeared on a couple more interviews, usually with McCain in tow or with very conservative-friendly hosts. ( Biden, in stark contrast, is well over a hundred interviews by now, and they aren't all with Michael Moore.
0 : Number of news conferences Sarah Palin has held since her selection as Republican VP nominee on August 29

3 : Number of interviews Palin has granted (with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and Katie Couric)

1: Number of times Palin has answered questions from the reporters who follow her on the campaign trail

4: Number of news conferences Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden has held since August 29

89: Number of interviews Biden has granted since August 29