Friday, October 24, 2008

A little about my actual life...

So... Since it has been forever since I've posted, I guess a bit of update is in order.

I have about 5 months left in my program. It will be "crunch time" very soon. But on the plus side, I am ready to move on and up. I will be working with Dr. Pam Silver in Boston ( come April/May. I am excited about the move and looking forward to Boston.

Also in new news, I have been told that I have sleep apnea and have probably had it for quite some time. While hardly some awful disease, it can cause some major disruptions in sleep patterns and lead to a host of downstream, very much more serious conditions. So, I am now on a CPAP machine while I sleep, which is basically this mask that goes on your face and provides positive air pressure to keep your windpipe open while you are sleeping.

Its not so bad really... It looks like it would be more uncomfortable than it really is... See, here is a picture of me reading in bed with my new CPAP machine and mask on:

Actually, though it does make me feel like an old man to be wearing something like this, the effects have been IMMEDIATE! I just got the thing this Monday. Already, in the 3 different seminars that I have sat through, I have not had any trouble staying awake. I've read papers and books, all without even getting drowsy. Which, for the last 4 years or so, is basically unheard of. It is a god-send and I am so excited about it. I may even go attempt to read a book in the tub again! (Those who have known me for a while, will know that pretty much all of my older books suffer from major water damage).

But generally, I am so happy with it, and hope that it continues. I have missed casual reading in a major way for the last few years!

Anyone read any good books lately?

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