Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Look and New Audio - On the Meaning of Love

So... Part of the reason that I wish to swap over from LiveJournal, which was annoying me to no end, was that I could supposedly post audio files easily from this Blog. So here goes, my very first attempt to do so.

This story is one of many which I will feature from the absolutely fabulous radio show: This American Life. I have recently been listening to pretty much every episode that has ever been made for this show, and the vast majority of the programs are amazing. If you aren't someone who I've already gushed at regarding the show, it is a program with a simple premise: each week, take a look at the life of Americans as viewed through a particular prism or theme. Then bring a couple of real-life stories (and the occasional amusing short work of fiction) to shed light on that theme.

The story that I want to start out with is a cute little one about what it means to love and to be in love. And what that means to those around you, who love you in turn.

Length: 11:20
Full program is #228: You Are So Beautiful to Me

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