The jury is still out on why this happened. Amazon says that there might have been some odd glitch, while a "famous" hacker, Weev, is claiming he pulled off the prank.
Whatever. Its annoying but is being rectified apparently, so isn't worth getting too many panties bunched up about...
But! For a while, despite removing most of the gay literature, there were plenty of anti-gay books that remained in the normal category. As a result, this book popped up as the first hit when searching "homosexuality" on Amazon:
Check it out for yourself.
But when you are done looking on in aghast horror, take a peek at the "User Submitted Pictures" associated with the book.
O... M... G...
(pst... Its in the upper left hand corner, just under the book picture.)
I kind of just let this one roll on by and haven't given it much thought. I read somewhere that it affected more than just LGBT books, though LGBT bloggers weren't quick to point that out. I think I'm going to have to chalk this up to some odd glitch unless some other piece of evidence is revealed. I just don't think a pimply faced kid could've pulled this off.
I did however check out your featured book on Amazon and the user submitted photos! Glad the book is getting the publicity it deserves! But I am almost curious to find out what exactly such a book would talk about. Perhaps drinking a pint a day during the second trimester?
They took the pictures down by the time I saw this...but WOW...If they are going to move books dealing with sexuality to the Adult section, they should move ALL of them, so a search for homosexuality comes up empty unless you are an adult. Not move all of them except for the anti-homosexual books behind. If they don't fix this "glitch" in a few days, my panties will have been bunched too much so I will definitely be boycotting Amazon!
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