Saturday, November 29, 2008

l’esprit d’escalier

This one, not so short, but I think we can all identify with the sentiment, if not the precise conversations.

We've all been there, that moment, long after the fact, when we actually come up with the thing we wish we'd said in that conversation earlier that day... or last month... Well, what might it be like if we did have the power to go back and change the past? Or to stop the craziness of the moment, take stock of the situation and come up with a real zinger? What if we had the ability to deliberate as long as we wanted to serve up the perfect one-liner? Would it be a gift or a curse?

Jonathan Goldstein, contributor to my obsession, This American Life, takes a moment in time to explore this question.

Length: 17:17
Original Show: #257 What I Should Have Said

1 comment:

brett said...

Danny, you and I need to discuss whether or not we are of hobbit-stock and hardy enough to carry the One Ring.

Seriously though, I think of this topic often! It's always way after the fact that I come up with a clever quip. At the time I'm always going "durrr".