Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Scariest Sort of Vampire

Well. Having emerged from my lab cocoon into the real world for at least a couple of weeks, I have made the realization (apparently the very belated realization) that vampires are in vogue again. It seems you can hardly turn around without being confronted by one of the buggers. In movies, books, and all over the TV, the ghostly faces of the undead have risen up once again to haunt the living. Above us once again looms the possibility of that fatal kiss - and the eternity of walking in the shadow of life that could follow it.

As terrifying as this all is, I believe that there is one type of vampire that might be even more scary than all of the rest. A sort of vampire that could make even the cruelest undead ruler of the night cringe.

Vampire Parents.

Right Click Here to Download
Jonathan Goldstein
Length: 6:13
Original Show: WireTap - Who Wants to Live Forever

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