Friday, January 9, 2009

So, You Think That You Are Having a Bad Day?

I might not ordinarily post this particular bit of media as it is a bit longer and such, but a few circumstances have coalesced here in Baltimore to make this of particular relevance...

First, I've already heard several times today that various co-workers are just plagued by Murphy's Law. That every little thing that one should assume would go smooth in a kind and gentle world is going horribly wrong... It is a state that we can all commiserate and empathize with to a certain point... But then past that point, a situation will often take on a sort of dark comedy (don't worry K, you're not there yet, I hope)...

Second, Peter Pan is apparently showing in Baltimore right now. My friends say it is quite good and that there is even some eye candy amongst the cast. Sounds quite delightful! I wish I could go!

But I don't wish I could go to Baltimore's production as much as I wish I could have been there for the following performance:

Jack Hit gives us the highlights...

Or download it for an mp3 player by right clicking: Peter Pan Story

This American Life
Length: 20:27
Original Show: 61 - Fiasco

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