Monday, May 14, 2007

Great Week!

Wow! I've really had an amazing time within the last week or so, much to my own surprise.... After a 5.5 hour talk with the boss which streched to nearly 8:30pm last Sunday and which detailed the major failings of my project and a need to switch to a new one ASAP, I was prepared to really be in a lousy mood. I was just sure that all of my standard frustrations and neurotic inclinations would come bubbling to the surface. But then, apparently to no ones surprise but my own, it never happened... The last week has been filled with a lot of really wonderful events in my life and a generally positive outlook. I have taken more time to be social and step outside of my head, rediscovering that I am surrounded by some really wonderful people here. I've reconnected with some friends who I haven't seen in years and kindled friendships with other fantastic people that I met here in "The Greatest City of America". Things are great in my relationship, looking good with my family and if not great at work, at least there is a new perspective at lab and a chance for growth in a new direction. Even the weather has been oddly gorgeous... Now, if only my dog would stop pissing all over the place... :oP Damn Zook...

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