Saturday, May 5, 2007

There is justice in the world

I don't often delight in the misfortune of others, but I must admit that this story really brought a smile to my face.  Seriously, if you are irresponsible enough to be driving drunk so many times that your licence is put under probation and then is suspended, you kinda sorta maybe should come up with a better excuse than "Oh...  I didn't bother to read that silly document that the cop made me sign...  I know it says that my licence is suspended, but, like, I didn't read it.  So I didn't know!!!"  

Of course her parents are just livid!  "How dare that judge send dear Paris to jail?!?  He is just singling her out becase she is famous!"  What gall...

10 to 1 she doesn't actually go to jail.  But if she does, maybe she can spend some of the time buffing up on her literacy....  Shesh.

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