Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pandas and Culture

So, I was bored at work and stumbled across this article on CNN:

Panda bites student seeking hug:

Apparently some 20 year old guy in China jumped a few fences and rushed up to this panda in the zoo, hoping to "cuddle". Instead, the panda bit him repeatedly on the arms and legs. Then security was called and chased the panda off. But my favorite part of this article comes is a quote from the park ranger when asked if the zoo would be putting up additional signs or fencing:
"We cannot make it like a prison. We already have signs up warning people not to climb in," he said. "There are no fences along roads but people know not to cross if there are cars. This is basic knowledge."

It just struck me as hilarious at the moment. It sorta feels like the entire difference between Chinese and American perception of public safety encapsulated in a moment.

And in this instance, who could blame them? In the US, that zoo would probably have raised the fence, put razor wire at the top, killed the panda and would still have a lawsuit to deal with.

But, I gotta say, that panda is pretty damn cute. I think I need a hug too...

1 comment:

brett said...

I posted the same article to Facebook! Really, the thought processes that go through some peoples brains is astounding.