Monday, December 15, 2008

Let's Get Mortified!

Well... I am pretty much tapped out from writing a thesis, doing experiments, and trying to prepare for Christmas and my trip to Michigan these days, but want to keep up a blog with fun and interesting things. So, you might not be hearing much from me personally, but I'll try to sporadically update this with media that I have found to be particularly cute or intriguing.

One show that I stumbled across a while back was this show "Mortified". If anyone reading this has EVER kept a diary when you were younger, then stowed that diary away, only to stumble across it tucked amongst other objects from your childhood/adolescence, you will know how incredibly painful it can be to read these things. All too often, the pages of these things are just choked with angst, drama, and feel so unlike your current self that you want to curl up in a ball and hide. It seems impossible to reconcile these two different people into one space!

Enter Mortified. This show takes those journals, diaries, and all that bad poetry and pushes it out where it never belonged. On stage, in front of a live audience, where the original writer reads aloud their deepest childhood psychodramas, to laughter and ridicule. The show works because the material is so frank and one can usually identify with it instantly. We've all had these thoughts and embarrassing moments, its just that we are now adults and know better than to go around telling everyone about them!

This movie is an example. A bit young, and put to amusing visuals, but you get the idea!


brett said...

Goodness, I felt that way reading my livejournal from just a few years ago!

Danny D. said...

Ha! Me too! Seems to be a pretty good argument against the sort of thing I am doing right now... One can only wonder how embarrassing I'll find this blog in a few years.

Oh well... I suppose sometimes having a record of your own immaturity helps you realize how far you've really come? Or am I merely deluding myself?

Ricky Blaha said...

I felt that way reading your livejournal from a few years ago too :-P lol

No I agree Danny, and Motormouth Maybelle sums it up pretty well with her line "I know where I'm goin, cuz I know where I've been." :)

Ricky Blaha said...

I'm watching this video and i'm trying realllllly hard not to burst out laughing in the office!!

I love the video editing they did over top of the letter reading...I'm gonna have to check out the other 7 videos at home tonight :)